Have you been told your child needs dental sedation?

We are here for you.

Safe and comfortable care for the littlest of teeth.

Our process is simple. Our board-certified pediatric dentist does an exam, and if the patient qualifies, plans a date for the dental treatment to be completed under the care of a physician anesthesiologist at our surgery center. The patient will return to their regular dentist for routine care.

Meet Dr. Manson, the founder of Sleepy Teeth.

Our Locations

Sleepy Teeth Office

Where patient EXAMs and follow ups take place.

230 5th Ave,
, FL 32903

Apollo Surgery Center

Where patient TREATMENT takes place.

375 S Wickham Rd
West Melbourne, FL 32904

Our Cozy Process

We specialize in complex dental cases that are in need of sedation and anesthesia services.